Millennials Will Take Theirs Now. Maybe We All Should.
While “millennials in the workplace” was this generation’s first newsy focus, it soon translated into the likes and dislikes of these new earners. Which makes them today’s spenders to watch. So, what do they spend on? Lifestyle.
Remember that this group never knew Target before it became semi-cool. They were buying external power sources while traveling business pros were bemoaning the lack of outlets. And though they’ve sometimes been maligned in the media, they aren’t shy about sharing what they want. Is clarity such a bad thing?
It certainly makes it simpler for smart real estate developers (and businesses of all stripes) to cater to this market, if they pay attention. Because by “lifestyle,” millennials mean all aspects of their life. They don’t differentiate between a work life and a home life. Or from a corporate office, a co-working space or the island in their kitchen.

Oleander from Toll Brothers is a microcosm of getting it right. The newest development in Atlanta’s popular Brookhaven Village makes starter apartments from the past seem uninspired in comparison. Here’s what’s working at Oleander, and why:
- Maximize space. Millennials aren’t as focused on “mine” as previous generations. If the trade-off for a hundred more square feet of private space is a yoga lawn, pet park with spa, exhibition kitchen and beer garden, they’ll gladly take it.
- Respect Flexibility. Know that this group is used to working in multiple locations and provide for it, like the booths, tables and fireside couch areas that grace the lobby of Oleander.
- Invest in Quality. Select lasting brands like Pfister Faucets, Peloton® stationary bikes and a top-notch Wi-Fi provider. Like the size analogy, quantity is less important than quality. Plus, life now moves too fast to tolerate products that don’t perform.
- Value Values. This group reads the fine print. They want upcycled tee-shirts, energy-saving appliances and water-saving fixtures. They want to know what you stand for and how you’re giving back. Show them.
We’re proud to partner with the Oleander community as the provider of all kitchen, bath, tub and shower fixtures. The Pfirst Series single-handle, pull-down kitchen faucet and Pfirst Modern line of bath fixtures are just right for an audience that appreciates visible and tactile attention to detail. Our Pforever guarantee and water-conscious ways aren’t new, but they fit this new generation to an upcycled tee.

As for all generations? Look around and you’ll see the “trend” of shared spaces, cultures and amenities growing in every community. From urban neighborhood gardens and curated online forums to college lecturers and youth-senior pairings at retirement communities. Maybe what millennials are really teaching us is not to wait for traditionally-earned milestones, but that the importance of lifestyle is lifelong. And that’s a lesson that uplifts every generation.