While we practice social distancing all across the globe, we had to transition from office life to working from home fast. For some, working remotely is a dream come true, but for others, transitioning to a home office with the whole family around can be a bit overwhelming.
How is everything supposed to get done while maintaining household sanity? We’ve found these helpful tips to bring some normalcy to the abnormal and wanted to share!

Establish a Workspace
When working from home, it’s tempting to lounge around in pajamas, but this is not the best strategy. Wake up in the morning, and get ready for work as usual. Being dressed for success will help put your mind into work mode.
You’ll want a space with a desk or table, a comfortable chair and may need to invest in a microphone, webcam, or a pair of hands-free earphones for video conferencing.
The area you choose to work needs to be uncluttered and distraction-free. Kids and spouses must be informed to respect your workspace and work schedule. During the work hours, make sure you implement regularly timed breaks, and a “clock out” time just like you were still in the office.

Create a Schedule
Creating schedules for your family and your workday will lend some structure to the day, cut down on chaos, and create a clear expectation of yourself and family members. Pick a night, weekly, to print out upcoming events and daily chores then hang it in a common area, like the kitchen.
Maybe even use your previous commuting time to do something to start your day off in a positive way like reading an inspirational article, meditating or writing in a journal.
When working from home, it can be extremely difficult to set clear boundaries. Keeping a daily log of your workday tasks can help you stay focused.

Navigate a School Routine
Schools are sending home materials for children to complete. Set up school hours that the children routinely will attend. Also, have a clean, distraction-free zone for them to work. Schedule regular breaks for them complete with snacks.
Having a routine will help kids develop a feeling of security and normalcy.

Social distancing, and even stay at home orders, allow for outdoor exercise. Being inside all day will make everyone stir-crazy.
Find time every day to get outside. Safety is still the number one priority so be sure to check with local ordinances on ways to stay protected while venturing outdoors.
Walks can be made fun with scavenger hunts or other fun games. Cycling, scooters, and kicking balls are also great ways for kids to release their energy.
Sunlight and exercise are key to creating a happy, healthy household.

Don’t Forget to Have Fun
This is a time to slow down and relax with your loved ones. Embrace the time with family game nights, movie nights, puzzles, and other fun activities at home.
Try new recipes! Now’s the perfect time to pull out that cookbook and try a fresh dish or two. We love the Creamy Chicken Poblano Soup and Street Tacos recipes from Magnolia Table Volume Two that just came out.
Finally watch that show you’ve been putting off and blast through the entire series or pick up that book that you haven’t had the extra time for.
Missing your friends and coworkers? Host a virtual happy hour to catch up! We’ve even created these fun Pfister backdrops to use on Zoom.

Arkitek ZOOM Background | Download Now
Deckard Animated ZOOM Background | Download Now

Miri ZOOM Background | Download Now
Rhen Animated ZOOM Background | Download Now

Neera ZOOM Background | Download Now
Working from home has its advantages and disadvantages but it’s so important to make the most of it and stay productive. With these tips, you might find yourself even enjoying social distancing!
Do you have any life hacks or things you’ve done to make #stayathome life easier? Comment below or tag us on Instagram.