We decided to feature a fun couple this week, whimsical bloggers Kaitlin and Jake. OurWhimsicalWorld features unique DIY projects, including pet friendly posts, home décor, and outdoor projects that show off the couples savvy skills.
Projects range from simple, chic gift ideas to complex renovations, so we asked Kait and Jake for some insight into how they select their projects and spend their design time.

Kaitlin and Jake
How did you get your start as a blogger?
I started my first blog SheSpeaksBark in the summer of 2009 as a way to connect with and educate other dog owners/lovers.
JustaWhimsicalWorld came into existence in the summer of 2010 when my (then) fiancé Jake and I moved from our home state of Iowa to Kansas so that he could attend graduate school at Kansas State University. We thought it would be a fun way to keep in touch with friends and family, and it’s been really great for people to be able to just “drop in” and see what we’re up to.
What do you love about DIY projects?
It’s so nice to have complete “say” of the way a project goes. Not only into the design of the project, but the timing as well. You can customize an item to your exact specifications or wishes, and when it’s all said and done, it’s so great to look back and admire your handy work. The building process itself is always a great way to spend time together as a couple.
If you could only give one piece of advice when it comes to home projects (in 140 characters or less), what would it be?
Measure twice, cut once.
What’s your favorite home décor style?
This is OurWhimsicalWorld after all, so clearly we love a touch of whimsy. My [Kaitlin’s] owl obsession is a good example. We’ve got little owl tokens (even the owl lamp base from West Elm) spread throughout the house, but never keep too many out at once. Just a good collection to choose from.
We like to mix a few traditional items with things that are are more modern and minimalist. Overall it has to be comfortable for us and the dogs.
What DIY project has been your favorite to date, and why?
Jake says our chicken tractor. However, my favorite is my craft storage pegboard. The bright blue color gets me every time, it’s so cheerful, and I’m such a huge fan of organization that I can’t help but smile.
What’s your favorite Pfister Faucet and why did you choose it?
For the bathroom, I’m absolutely smitten with the Kenzo faucet. I love the waterfall-like effect, and it’s so nice and shiny!
But if we’re talking about the kitchen, it’s gotta be the Zuri culinary faucet. Oh em gee that’s my dream faucet! Oh la la!
What’s your signature recipe?
I’m not gonna lie, I make a mean lasagna!
What upcoming projects are you working on?
We are approaching Jake’s graduation from Kansas State University, so our next biggest project is actually going to be moving our family to a new city and making that next house/apartment our very own!
What home reality star would you love to work with on a craft/ DIY project?
I’ve always loved bloggers John and Sherry Petersik of YoungHouseLove, and anytime they’re included I think Jeremy and Katie Bower come as a two-for-one deal….basically I think we’d all have a blast together!
Your blog has an eco-friendly focus. Are you doing anything special for Earth Day?
We’re going to be celebrating by playing along with Pfister’s Earth Day Giveaway and trying to inspire others to live more eco-conscious lives. Oh, and it’s probably time to turn the compost…
Your dogs are featured on your blog — do they have an influence your home and crafting projects?
Our dogs have an influence over everything in our lives I think. They have their own blog SheSpeaksBark but they’re continuously found “supervising” our home projects, helping on the computer, and assisting with my various crafts.
Scooter insists on being part of each and every photo shoot, while Bear believes he’s a master gardener, and sometimes likes to re-enact his visions upon our garden beds by digging things up and moving dirt around to areas we hadn’t intended.
What made you decide to raise chickens?
We love animals and chickens seemed fairly easy. When our landlord agreed, we couldn’t wait. It was fun starting them in a brooder box indoors before finally getting them adjusted to living outside in their coop. We have learned a lot by raising the chickens, and the eggs they provide for us are delicious!
There truly is nothing like a farm fresh egg. The hens help to keep down the bug population in our yard, eat weeds, and are also quite entertaining to watch. We use their bedding/manure to supplement our compost which in turn helps our garden grow.
Thanks to Kaitlin, Jake, Scooter, Bear and the hen house for providing some wonderful design tips. We can’t wait to read all about the move and new house!